Your Graduation Caps & Gowns Specialist for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Head Start since 1972.

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Preschool & Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Since 1972, Rhyme University has manufactured Preschool & Kindergarten Graduation items that help little graduates and their families celebrate their scholastic accomplishments with a sense of pride while creating memories that last a lifetime at an affordable price.

Since every graduation ceremony is unique we would like to hear about yours. Share your experiences and graduation ideas with others. Graduation ideas that you've tried that have worked out better than expected, others that didn't quite live up to what you thought, or any funny graduation ideas. Do you have any special or funny photos from a graduation using Rhyme University products? We'll take them all!

Send your graduation ideas or suggestions by clicking here. Once reviewed we will post them for others to benefit from.